Lat: ".$location_coordinates[0] ."
Lon: ".$location_coordinates[1]; $location_coordinates = get_coordinates(('' != '' ? '' : 'Cultural Hall near Bahrain National Museum '), '26.2387464', '50.597659'); $data =array( /*[0]*/array('Category','Song'), /*[1]*/array('Country','Morocco'), /*[2]*/array('Date','12 October 2014, 8:00pm'), /*[3]*/array('Venue','' != '' ? '' : 'Cultural Hall near Bahrain National Museum '), /*[4]*/array('WEBSITE',''), /*[5]*/array('Tickets','Free Admission'), /*[6]*/array('Note',''), /*[7]*/array('Minimum age',''), /*[8]*/array('more info',''), /*[9]*/array('',''), /*[10]*/array($location_coordinates[0],$location_coordinates[1]), /*[11]*/array('','') ); //echo '
//  var_dump($data);
//  var_dump($location_coordinates);
//echo '
'; ?>

Aicha Redouane

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Aicha Redouane The nicknames bestowed upon Aicha Redouane are seemingly endless, but all point to the extraordinary singing talent; a talent she utilizes to recreate a bygone era of Arab music. The Moroccan-born French-raised chanteuse is a naturally adept singer, having mastered several musical genres and flavors, from Moroccan Berber songs to Western jazz and blues to classic Arabic tarab.

Before immigrating to France, Redouane practiced traditional folk songs as a child with her grandmother at her village in the Atlas Mountains, and has dedicated herself to spreading the enchanting musical heritage of the Middle East region to all corners of the world.

She is joined in this noble quest by Habib Yammine, a Lebanese musician, professor, and renowned Arabic music authority living in France who specializes in Arabic rhythms. Since the mid-1980’s, the pair have endeavored to revive and promote Middle Eastern maqam style of song and music through their group, Al-Adwar, touring extensively around the Middle East, Europe, and North America in various venues and festivals.

Redouane and Yammine are especially known for their renditions of famous Sufi spiritual poems by such luminaries as Rabia Al-Adawiyya, Ibn Al-Farid, Ibn Arabi, Al-Hallaj, and Al-Buri, producing several critically acclaimed albums in this genre.