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Green archaeology : The case of Qal’at al-Bahrain

15 March 2016, 6:30pm
Bahrain National Museum – Auditorium
Free Admission
Lecture in English

For several decades, environmental studies constitute an essential part of the archaeological process. Geomorphologists, archaeobotanists, archaeozoologists, and many other specialists now work alongside archaeologists in a common approach to rebuild the former landscape that surrounded their settlement sites in the remote past.

It is always interesting to follow the evolution of particular places in long term stratified sites. In the Bahrain archipelago, this is notably the case of the Qal’at al-Bahrain settlement, which reveals, through about 8m of archaeological layers, a long occupation from the end of the 3rd millennium BC to the 17th century AD.

This presentation, after recalling the main archaeological features of the site, will focus on the first environmental results achieved by the French Archaeological Mission there, notably in terms of archaeobotany and archaeozoology.


Talk presented by: Dr. Pierre Lombard

Director of the French archeological mission in Bahrain